While waiting for Akatsuki to revive with Riese on Christmas Day, Lenessia realizes that she had not truly made an effort to understand the Adventurers around her and resolves to do so. Meanwhile Akatsuki has a vision of the other world and realizes that she had simply been moving forward with her life without any particular goal in mind. Afterwards she awakens in a tranquil beach landscape and encounters Shiroe while wandering around. The two share the circumstances which lead to their deaths and both trade fragments of their memories for the chance to revive. Afterwards Akatsuki revives at the Cathedral and begs Nazuna and Riese to share their Teachings with her to stop the murderer. Meanwhile, Roderic shares new information with his guild about playing as a different gender, the geological expansion of Yamato and the effect that item descriptions have in Elder Tale, concluding that the Apocalypse isn't over. Back at the Watermaple house, Riese and the other girls decide to aid Akatsuki after helping her realize that going it alone was the wrong call. Elsewhere, while Krusty and Misa track the goblins at Zantleaf, Misa's weapon suddenly begins acting strangely and traps her in a type of barrier. However Krusty throws her out of the way only to find himself vaporized in her place.